Heard big just before few days of June 2nd and celebrations of it were done grandly on the day. Done with it in Telangana state, nothing much is being heard again. But the state formation day celebrations is taking its high, with the enthusiastic NRIs, showering their love on their state, organizing week long celebrations.
As a part of such celebrations in several corners outside India, ‘Vision Telangana’ has got its turn last night, where several NRIs from different states- Pennsylvania, New York New Jersey attended the event. Telangana culture was smelled throughout the programme with a couple of songs and other art forms, depicting Telangana culture.
Speaking to the media, the NRIs said that, Vision Telangana would be ready to extend support to make ‘Bangaru Telangana’ possible, by making the farmers financially grow, providing quality education to the students and also employment opportunities to the youth.
Forming the part of several media partners of this prestigious programme, we are glad to report that even mytelangana.com is associated and contributed its best to bring out ‘Vision Telangana’ well.